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About Me



Name : Miiko Mori (Human/Female)

Birthday : Sep.1970

Graduated from Shinshu University, Faculty of Arts Education, Oil Painting Major.

After graduation, worked as a merchandiser at a jewelry company in Tokyo for about 10 years.

Then, spent about a year in Philadelphia,USA for my husband's job.

After returned to Tokyo, worked in the product planning department of a cosmetics company.

2005 Started illustration production while was learning illustrations at Setsu Mode Seminar.

2006 Met a wool material store and started making needle felt works by myself.

2007 Opened my site〝mecall〟and started work on art gallery exhibition work and custom production.

Since then, I've been making dogs with felt.


Birthday : Sep.2005

Name : Chaco(Dog/Female)

Hybrid of ToyPoodle and Papillon

Shy outside but a tomboy at home ♡

Birthday : Apr.2004(Apr.2013 Departure)

Name : Chousuke(Bird/Male)

White Java Sparrow

Very small but the big brother the dogs can rely on !

Name : Riz(Dog/Female)

Birthday : Dec.2008

Toy Poodle

An innocent girl like puppy forever ☆

past exhibitions

・Solo exhibition(2019/8/1〜8/6 Mi Amore Gallery/ginza-tokyo) 

・Belladonna Art Competition (2021/4/18~4/23 Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)

・CLOUDS FINE ARTS COMPETITION 2020 (2020/5/26〜5/31 CLOUDS ART+COFFEE koenji--tokyo)

・Solo exhibition(2019/8/1〜8/6 Mi Amore Gallery/ginza-tokyo) 

・Belladonna Art Competition (2019/4/18~4/23 Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)

・AJC Creators Collection (2018/3/26~3/30 Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)

・Okuru-exhibition Audience Award(2017/8/29~9/3 Seigetsudou Gallery /ginza-tokyo)

・Experience classroom (2010/12 /meguro-tokyo)

・Exhibition and sale of works at the Shop(2009〜2012 Primera /meguro&ginza-tokyo)

4 Artists exhibition(2008/12/4~7 Terrace Gallery /kichijoji-tokyo) 

Dogs & Cats works exhibition(2008/8/8~17 Lalaport Gallery /yokohama)

Dogs & Cats works exhibition(2008/4/9~14 Isetan Gallery /huchu-tokyo)    

Dogs works exhibition(2008/1/21~2/2 Miharaya Gallery /ginza-tokyo)

Dogs & Cats works exhibition(2007/10/4~10 Matsuzakaya Gallery /yokohama)

・DesignFesta.25(2007/5/26 Tokyo Big Site)

Copyright(C)2007-2023 mecall All Rights Reserved

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